Payment Streaks are part of Sezzle’s free Loyalty Tiers program, where you can move up the loyalty tiers by consistently and successfully making your Sezzle payments on time. See loyalty tier benefits below.
Unless subject to ineligibility, you agree to be automatically enrolled, at no cost, in Sezzle’s Loyalty Terms program by opening a Sezzle Account or using Sezzle Services.
How it Works
Each eligible payment (including down payment or installment) that is successfully paid on or before its originally scheduled due date will count as one (1) “streak.” You can upgrade to the next tier after reaching the required streak count of successful payments within a rolling 90-day window* without missed or failed payment history, except for Resolved Payments.
Once an eligible payment is done “processing” and marked as “paid” in our system, the streak will be issued.
Resolved Payments are payments that fail (on or before the due date) and are successfully paid by the original due date (11:59 pm UTC).
*The rolling 90-day window starts on the launch date of the loyalty tiers program or on the day you open your Sezzle Account, if after the program’s launch. The 90-day window resets upon a tier upgrade, downgrade, or when the 90 days have passed. For the Platinum, Diamond, and Onyx tiers, you need to earn the minimum required streak count of successful payments within that 90-day window in order to maintain your tier. If you fail to do so, you will be downgraded a tier. The lowest you can get downgraded for inactivity is the Gold tier.
Missed payments and payments that fail and are not successfully paid on the same day (before 11:59 pm UTC) will result in a tier downgrade and reset your streak count to zero. Resolved Payments will not result in a tier downgrade or reset your streak count.
Payments Ineligible for Streaks
Payments ineligible for streaks:
- Payments below $15 (including bundled payments* and Sezzle subscription payments under $15)
- Payments that failed, even when attempting to pay early
- Any “resolved payments” (Payments that failed at any time and were corrected)
- Payments rescheduled later than the original payment due date
- Payments on refunded or canceled orders (if streaks were applied, they will be deducted)
- Payments charged back by your bank (if streaks were applied, they will be deducted)
- Long-term financing payments
*Bundled payments are not counted as a sum of their bundled total but on an individual basis.
Loyalty Tier Benefits
The benefits of loyalty tiers can include the following:
- Additional entries in monthly giveaways.
- Bonuses when you refer friends to Sezzle.
- Platinum, Diamond, or Onyx tiers: Subscription eligibility for Sezzle Premium (Restrictions apply).
To see the specific benefits for each loyalty tier from the Sezzle app, go to the Payment Streaks page within the Shop tab and click “Compare Benefits.”