Unlike a credit card, your estimated spending power with Sezzle is evaluated regularly and can change over time. Meaning it can increase or decrease depending on a variety of variables. The most common reason spending power increases is the responsible and timely handling of your payments to Sezzle. On the other hand, the most common reason spending power may decrease is previously failed payments on an account. We are unable to adjust spending power or approve orders manually.
What should I do to keep my estimated spending power from being lowered in the future?
The more you purchase and pay off orders with Sezzle, the higher probability you will see your estimated spending power increase over time. This doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot more. Consistent, on-time payments for smaller orders will go a long way in rebuilding your limit.
We recommend keeping your account in good standing with no failed payments to ensure you can continue to place orders. Remember, you also can reschedule one payment per order for free to avoid payment failures.
While we cannot guarantee that your estimated spending power will increase after performing the above actions, taking the above steps will demonstrate a positive repayment history and increase the likelihood of your spending power rising over time.